City Of Sydney Vinyl Hoardings are now mandatory on all inner city construction works. BannaMesh has been assisting many construction companies fulfill and comply with the new council regulations as to artworks on City Of Sydney Hoardings.
For more information on the The City Of Sydney Creative Hoardings Program Details for artworks you can visit the following link
You can also follow this link to the council web pages stating further details around Printed Construction Hoardings in City Of Sydney
Would you like to work with an experienced team that can take the problems off your plate when it comes to City Of Sydney Hoarding Artworks?
BannaMesh has a team of designers and project Managers that will make your job easy, working with the council for permits, traffic control etc. we will ensure your job is hassle free.
Your standard plywood hoarding can be turned into a marketing billboard for passing car and pedestrian traffic.
The print result on printed vinyl hoardings is far higher than other print substrates such as Banner Mesh, Shade Cloth, Coreflute etc. Printed Vinyl hoardings allow anything from a crisp printed logo right up to genuine photo quality printing.
Printed PVC vinyl banner is an extremely durable and long lasting product that can be produced to any size or shape to suit your specific project and suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Reach out to our team today on 1300 159 686 and we can make your job easy and hassle free.